Hikurangi Edwards (Of Ngāruahine, Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui and Ngāpuhi descent) meticulously hand-carves into layers upon layers of paint from her Wellington studio, a technique she calls mahi whakairo peita. Often guided by her tīpuna, she uses contrasting colours to acknowledge contemporary lifestyles, whilst telling stories of the past, present, & future. The soft, yet confident curves of the koru give depth & texture, drawing you in to an art that must be touched. All of which speaks to the dichotomy of the two worlds she navigates.
Ruapūtahunga - from South Taranaki and lived in around 1590. She captivated many with her beauty and is said to have married a number of men including the might Whatihua (a Waikato chief) to whom she had two sons.
Measures: 20cm x 20cm x 5cm depth